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当前位置:首页文旅 — 国际商务英语学习综合教程:第十
来源:北京网    更新时间:2007/12/5 12:29:24  阅读[1669]
价钱 Price B    
A: You know, I think it’s smart to stay with the same low price. Your customers will be pleased. 
B: We think that the basis price should stay low. It’s wrong to raise prices just because market demand is going up fast.
A: Right. With such competitive prices, your regular customers will buy only from you, and I’m sure you’ll get a lot of new customers. 
B: I’m just afraid we might start a price war. The bigger companies might lower their prices to try to take our customers away, and close us down. 
A: If later they try to compete with you by lowering their prices, I think the consumers would know they had loaded prices before, and would feel cheated. 
B: Well, I don’t think the consumers would know unless someone tells them.   
A: 我认为把价格维持在低价位真是明智之举。你的顾客群会满意的。 
B: 我们认为基本价应该维持在低价位,不能因为市场的需求攀升就哄抬价钱。 
A: 嗯,有这样的竞争价格,你的老主顾还是会向你们买,而且我确信你们还会吸引更多的新顾客。 
B: 只怕我们会展开一场价格战。大公司可能会降低价格,把我们的顾客拉走,甚至让我们倒闭。 
A: 如果他们过一阵子为了和你们竞争而降价,那消费者就会知道这些公司原来的定价高得不合理,而觉得受骗上当。 
B: 唉,但我可不相信消费者会明白这种事实,除非有人指出来。 
basis price 基本价 
"basis",‘基础’。"basis price"是指未含其它附带或额外服务的价格。 
competitive price 竞争的价格 
"competitive", 原是‘竞争性的’,在此暗示‘有竞争潜力的’。一个能够在市场上与其它同类产品较劲的产品,其价格通常是属于较低或中等。 
price war 价格战 
loaded price 附加费用价格 
●  我担心… 
1. I’m just afraid that... 
2. My fear is that... 
3. My only hesitation is that... 
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