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当前位置:首页文旅 — 商务交流言语与非言语交流同等重
来源:北京网    更新时间:2007/12/23 10:57:21  阅读[2031]
商务交流总的来说可以分为言语交流(verbal communication)和非言语交流(nonverbal communication),这两者在使用时无论对个人还是组织都是很重要的。
  People in business communicate in various ways: face-to-face talks, informal group discussions, seminars, conversations on the phone, writing in letters, memos, and reports. All this is referred to as verbal communication, or communication that involves use of words. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, does not rely on words, but rather on people's facial expressions, the way they dress themselves, and how long they keep a visitor waiting, etc. Undoubtedly, effective communication of both types are equally important to individuals and organization as a whole, because they may exhibit an image of courtesy, friendliness, sincerity, and efficiency, which is critical to the success of individuals and organizations as well.
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