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当前位置:首页美食 — 有中国特色的常用词汇十七
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/3/1 15:41:26  阅读[7747]
克隆 clone
  扣除通货膨胀因素后的人均实际年收入 the annual per-captia income in real
  terms (allowing for inflation )
  跨国公司 transnational corporation (transactional, multinational
  corporation ,multinational)
  扩大/缩小地区发展差距 widen/narrow the gap/disparity between
  regions/localities in terms of development
  劳务输出 export of labor services
  劳务招聘会 a labor fair; a job fair
  联防 community/team policing
  连续五年丰收 bumper harvests for five consecutive years (for five years in
  row for five years running for five years on end for the fifth
  consecutive year)
  练摊 to be a vendor (do business)
  乱收费、乱集资、乱摊派的现象依然很严重 Arbitrary collection of charges,
  abuse of fund-raising and unchecked apportionment (arbitrary quotas) are
  still rampant.
  盲流和倒流人员 jobless migrants from rural areas to cities,
  influx from the countryside
  美圆对日圆全面升值 the system of pegging the currency to the US dollar
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