“培养”可译做 train, turn out 或 produce 如:
turn out large numbers of skilled workers
have trained……assistant and middle level technicians
the college produces very good interpreters.
有时“培养”也译做foster 如:
to foster activists培养积极分子
我国出版的英文报刊常把“工作单位”译作“work unit”,unit一词在英语中经常用指“部队”;翻译时如能用具体的词,如school, factory, hospital, company等可能更明白易懂。若指为特殊目的成立的机构(如医院,学校,公司等),也可考虑用institution一词代替。原工作单位也可译作the institution at which one used to work。
3. program一词的意思
program有syllabus(课程提纲)或curriculum(一个学校,专业,或学科的全部课程)的意思,如今也用来表示学校开设的“专业”,如:We have a MA program in literature/an intercultural communication program,或学校所设的“(训练)部”,如:the un language training program; Mr. Lin is in charge of the Chinese program in our university.
project hope 希望工程
the credit system 学分制
a double BA degree system 双学士制
students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers 定向招生
key university 重点大学
center for post-doctoral studies 博士后科研流动站
specialty 专业
college/university of science and engineering 理工科大学
normal university; teachers' university 师范大学
polytechnic university 工业大学
agricultural university 农业大学
medical university 医科大学
institute of traditional Chinese medicine 中医学院