the country)
投诉 lodge a complaint, register a beef
投诉热线 dial-a-cheat confidential hotline
投资热点 a region attractive to investors, a much-sought piece of land,
popular investment spot
推进国民经济信息化 try to informationize the national economy
推进政府机构改革 restructure government institutions
脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to
外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity
外商独资企业 wholly (solely ) foreign-owned enterprises
外向型经济/城市 an export-oriented economy/a foreign-oriented city, an
international city
外资 overseas investment
外资企业 foreign invested (foreign founded ,foreign financed ,foreign-
owned) enterprises .
下海 go into business
小康水平 the living standards of a fairly comfortable life; a relatively
comfortable standard of living
消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕 eliminate polarization and ultimately