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当前位置:首页时尚 — 南京娱乐休闲大全:山度仕音乐主题西餐厅
来源:北京网    更新时间:2009/12/4 9:33:49  阅读[1284]

     山度仕音乐主题西餐厅是一家由外籍大厨主理的地中海特色餐厅,西餐厅和酒吧结合,地中海菜肴和亚洲精选菜肴配合。以音乐为主体把多样的文化调和。  大厨Youssef把“地中海”携带来南京。意大利式、法国式、西班牙式、希腊式、摩洛哥式等多国料理。亚洲精选里的寿司、童子鸡、红烧鲑鱼、蔬菜天麸罗等经典菜肴等待你光临品尝。 一、地理位置:太平北路68号 A-10幢 , A-10 Taiping North Road68   二、预定电话 Reserve Tel: 025-84549996 84560566   三、营业时间Operation Time: Restaurant 餐厅:11:30(am)-14:00(pm)17:30(pm)–22:30(pm)BAR酒吧: 11:30(pm)–02:00 late night   四、山度仕特色:    Food Style: Mediterranean Style 地中海特色菜肴   That means different classical Western cuisines (Italian, French, Spanish, Greek, and Moroccan style) with open-kitchen and 100% home-made Pastry breads ,and so on.   地中海特色菜肴代表着经典的西式菜肴(意大利式,法国式,西班牙式,希腊式,摩洛哥式)山度仕拥有敞开式厨房和自制的面包、糕点等等。    Service Style:服务特色  Family dining with time-dining atmosphere including a life-Band in the second floor, at nine o’clock.   晚上9点钟晚餐时间,在二楼会有现场乐队精彩演出  A La CARTE Menu, Special of Day, Even vegetarian   A La CARTE 零点菜单,节假日,即使是素食主义者也可以找到他的最爱!  We can provide function up to 150 peoples.   我们同时提供用餐服务达150多人    Wine BAR Style:红酒BAR特色  We provide the wine list that caters for different kind of winelover, from house wine to chateau latour, from Italian wine to Australian Wine.   我们酒单上的酒可以满足不同种类的红酒爱好者,有来自古堡的藏酒,从意大利到澳洲的藏酒.     Santos Restaurant being design to host    1.Casual-dining in the first floor with open Bar for 60 people.     在一楼同时容纳60人用餐    2.Formal-dining in the Second with life-Band a Bar and patio for 100 people.   在二楼,有现场乐队伴奏,酒吧和用餐处可容纳100人用餐    3.Private-dining with individual-Rooms with 10 person Per-Room with Flat-TV Screen cable.   在包厢里进行私人用餐有液晶电视,每间包厢可容纳10人 (责任编辑:城市网)
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